What is Moodle?

If you happen to represent an academic organization and also you desire to help make your courses available online, then Moodle should really be your first preference. Moodle provides an online education app that’s created specifically for educators and lecturers, who want to help to make their programmes available online.

On account of it’s distinctive potential clients, Moodle is designed to be simple to use by both mentor and the student, so that it can be more easily accessible. Because of this, there is such a substantial community, devoted to developing themes and plugins that enhance Moodle’s most important features.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and is not affiliated with Sun Spring Hosting.

eLearning Cloud Web Hosting Plans Services

When you begin to develop a totally new project, the sooner it becomes accessible on the www, the better. Here at Sun Spring Hosting we wish to aid you to have great results. Because of this we’ve launched optimized eLearning cloud web hosting plans solutions. Every one of our eLearning cloud web hosting plans plans offers an absolutely free domain name registration or transfer. We will also automatically install and configure Moodle on your behalf.

With the eLearning cloud web hosting plans solutions, you don’t have to keep worrying about the hosting part at all – you will find reliable cloud web hosting plans. You’ll be granted a 99.9% service uptime guarantee. Additionally we present you with infinite disk space, limitless traffic and unrestricted MySQL storage. And furthermore, our technical support is there to assist you 24/7.

A Point & Click Hosting Control Panel

When you run an online course, it’s vital that you invest as much time as you possibly can on your lessons instead of on site maintenance. Which is why it’s imperative that you have a control panel which is as intuitive as possible – our Hosting Control Panel.

Our Hosting Control Panel is built atop Sun Spring Hosting’s customized cloud web hosting system and it’s designed to operate with it specifically. That grants Sun Spring Hosting’s Hosting Control Panel a substantial advantage in performance, stability and reliability over similar control panels. And additionally, our control panel is filled with applications and bonuses that can help you much better manage your web site. With Sun Spring Hosting’s File Manager, Domain Names Manager, Mail Accounts Manager, Web Stats Manager and Databases Manager you will discover how a task like site administration can become something easy and satisfying.