From time to time you may have to block specific third parties from accessing your Internet sites. There are a lot of automatic bots that crawl the Internet, for example, and produce fake visits and traffic. There are also spammers that leave links to shady websites as comments to website articles. This kind of things may drastically undermine your projects, as no one likes to visit an Internet site with hundreds of fake comments, not to mention that the increased website traffic from both spammers and bots may create high load on the server where your website is hosted, which can result in the site not working properly. Among the most effective solutions in this case is to block the IP addresses that generate the fake traffic, as a way to make certain that the visits to your website are legitimate.

IP Blocking in Cloud Web Hosting

If you order a cloud web hosting plan from us, you shall be able to see detailed traffic stats for all your websites and if you notice that a lot of the visits to each of them are not real, you are able to block the IP addresses which have generated the most traffic by using our IP Blocking tool. The interface is very simple - pick the needed domain or subdomain from a drop-down list, then input the IP address that you'd like to block and save the change. All of the addresses which you have blacklisted shall appear in the same section of the Control Panel, allowing you to always remove any of them and allow it to access your website again. You'll be able to block whole IP ranges through the tool as well - you simply need to leave 1 or 2 octets from the address blank. For example, entering 1.2.3. will block all 254 IPs from to

IP Blocking in Semi-dedicated Servers

You will be able to block IP addresses effortlessly and stop the undesirable traffic to any site hosted inside a semi-dedicated server account with us, since we provide a really easy-to-use tool to do that, that is offered with our Hepsia hosting CP. Even if you have never addressed this sort of problems in the past, you won't have any difficulties, since our tool provides a very user-friendly interface. As you visit the IP blocking section of the Control Panel, you'll find a full list of all the domains and subdomains that you have added inside the Hosted Domains section. All you need to do to block an IP address is pick the needed domain or subdomain from a drop-down menu and enter the IP in the box below. The change shall take effect at once, so you will not get any traffic from this address in the future. Taking away an IP from the blocked list is just as simple.