If you need to set up your own Internet site, but you don't have any previous experience or skills how to do that, you should use ready-made web themes which will enable you to start your Internet presence with no trouble. With the progression of the web-based design software within the last years, templates are no longer simple pages with a vibrant background. Web templates for static web sites typically feature lots of different pages for many different purposes because content can't be generated dynamically, while templates for script-driven applications include an easy-to-use interface via which you can control a great number of advanced options, like media content or the number of columns on a specific Internet site. This allows you to start a feature-rich web site even though you may haven't used such an application up to now.

Free Website Templates in Cloud Web Hosting

With each of the cloud web hosting packages which we offer we will offer you access to hundreds of web themes that you can use for your sites. Our online website builder comes with 70+ web templates for simpler websites and it'll allow you to use pre-defined pages, pick the style or color scheme for a particular template, etc. For dynamic websites we have many web templates which you can use with script apps like Mambo, Moodle or WordPress. You'll be able to change various settings for each theme through the administration panel of the corresponding script, so you'll not need any coding skills in order to have a stunning site. All web themes are available totally free and are accessible through the hosting Control Panel, so you'll not have to throw away cash on acquiring paid themes or hiring a web designer.

Free Website Templates in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server packages include a large number of web templates which we provide for absolutely free. You can access our online website builder via the web hosting CP and use one of its 70+ web themes, choosing the color scheme, style and the type of pages you want. We'll also provide you with many templates for some of the script applications included with each hosting account – WordPress, 4Images, Moodle, Joomla, and so forth. They will help you have amazing dynamic Internet sites with minimum efforts and you could easily manage quite a lot of template options using the admin area of the particular script. Through our 100 % free site templates, you will not have to spend hundreds of dollars on website design services when you’d like to have a distinctive internet site.