FTP Accounts in Cloud Web Hosting
Any of the cloud web hosting plans offered by our company will allow you to create unlimited FTP accounts, so you’ll be able to manage the content of your Internet sites independently or to provide other people with access to any Internet site in your web hosting account. If you have a web design software application installed on your home computer, you’ll be able to manage numerous Internet sites simultaneously and to update them without any efforts. If you give the login info to another person for a particular task, you’ll be able to change the password for that FTP account or to delete it completely with just a few mouse clicks and prevent any possibility of unsolicited access to your website content from then on. For your convenience, all FTP accounts that you create will be displayed alphabetically in the respective section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated plans are incredibly powerful, which makes them suitable for hosting a huge number of Internet sites. Speaking of which, we’ve decided not to put a limitation on the number of FTP accounts that you can create, so you can have a different FTP account for each Internet site that you host on our semi-dedicated servers. All FTP accounts will be displayed in alphabetical order in the corresponding section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is offered with each and every semi-dedicated server account. For each of them, you will be able to check the access path and to change it, if necessary. What’s more, you can set up an account in a client of your liking by downloading an auto-configuration file and running it on your personal computer, which will save you time. In case you have never used a web hosting account previously, you can check our comprehensive how-to video clips, which can be accessed through the very same section of the Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in VPS Servers
If you open a VPS hosting plans with us and select any of the three hosting Control Panels that we are offering – cPanel, DirectAdmin or Hepsia, an FTP server will be installed on your VPS, since it’s an integral part of the basic software suite that comes with all Virtual Private Servers ordered with a hosting Control Panel. This will allow you to set up as many FTP accounts as you like and to pick what directory each of them can access. If you wish, you can even set up multiple FTP accounts for the exact same domain name and give a number of individuals their own set of login details to access the website content. Any of the 3 hosting Control Panels will provide you with the opportunity to set up, to modify or to remove an FTP account in a few simple steps and with less than a few mouse clicks, so even in case you don’t have any prior experience, you’ll be able to manage an account in a seamless fashion.