PHP is one of the most widely used general-purpose server-side programming languages. It is quite popular as it’s free software, which you can use to build responsive websites such as social networking sites, web stores or school websites as opposed to static HTML-based websites. A PHP module must be installed on the web server where a PHP-driven site is hosted so that its code can be ‘deciphered’. Since there aren’t any license fees for such a module and the language itself offers limitless possibilities for the Internet applications that you create, there’re hundreds of millions of PHP-powered websites. Additionally, there are an immense number of open-source PHP scripts, which you can use for your websites without the need to possess any programming skills. Considering the fact that there’re several versions of PHP, you must verify if the same version that you used whilst developing your site is present on the web server too.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Cloud Web Hosting

We’ve made a conscious decision not to prevent our present and potential clients from choosing what PHP version will be used by their sites, which goes to say that in case you order a cloud web hosting plan from our company, you will be able to pick between versions 4, 5 and 7, not only for the web hosting account itself, but also for each individual domain that you host. This can be done with just one single click through our in-house created Hepsia Control Panel via which all shared hosting accounts are administered, which is why you won’t need to have any coding or technical abilities. You will be able to run websites built with both old and new PHP-based scripts without having to deal with any obstructions, so if you’d like to abandon your present hosting provider and move over to us, you can be sure that all the websites that you have created through the years will continue to work flawlessly.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

It is our belief that several years spent developing a site should not go down the tubes, which suggests that if you purchase a semi-dedicated server from our company, you will be able to use any script, irrespective of whether it’s new or old. In contrast to lots of hosting vendors, we support a number of different PHP versions on our revolutionary cloud hosting platform – 4, 5 and 7. You will not only be able to activate the needed version via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, but you’ll also have the option to choose a different PHP version for each website. The latter can be accomplished simply by putting an .htaccess file into the given site’s root directory. You can change the current version both for a single site and for the whole account and the change will be applied in only a few minutes. With our hosting services, you can rest assured that you won’t ever come across any website incompatibility challenges.